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Sunday, July 1, 2018

1 million milestone in 17 days for Xiaomi mi band 3 - Nearly Tech

Xiaomi sold over 1 million mi band 3 units in just 17 days

Xiaomi's fitness tracker which is known as xiaomi mi band 3 now become a most selling fitness band in the world. Xiaomi launched its fitness tracker on 5th June at their annual product launch event in China. mi band 3 is a successor of mi band 1 and mi band 2. 
1 million milestone in 17 days for Xiaomi mi band 3 - Nearly Tech
Image showing mi band 3, image from gearbest

Xiaomi sold over 1 million mi band 3 units in just 17 days. This is one of the biggest achievement that any fitness tracking gadgets company have. Due to the effective price, best value for money product, best after sales service, without any flash sale xiaomi got this success.

Xiaomi mi band 3 comes with stunning design. And very less price about 179 yuan or $30 or 1799 Rs. Xiaomi becomes largest smartphone selling brand in India. And now with this fitness tracker's success, Xiaomi is on the way to be no. 1.
1 million milestone in 17 days for Xiaomi mi band 3 - Nearly Tech
Xiaomi mi band 3 specification - my smart price

Xiaomi's mi band 3 comes with all day heartbeat monitoring, a long battery life, and many more...

Xiaomi achieves this success within a very short period. and for mi band 3 in just 17 days they sold 1 million units of that product. To rich 1 million milestones for Xiaomi mi band 1 and mi band 2 they had waited for nearly 4 months and 2 months respectively.
1 million milestone in 17 days for Xiaomi mi band 3 - Nearly Tech
Xiaomi mi band 3 showing battery- image from android authority

Xiaomi company is becoming more popular day by day because they are developing themselves, they are developing their products quality, they are developing their after sells service, and their motive is to give best product value in less price.

For all those reasons I think Xiaomi got this success. We just want best price product from Xiaomi, for which Xiaomi is known for.

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