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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Whatsapp's New Features - Fight against fake news | By- Nearly Tech

Whatsapp unveil its new feature to understand Forwarded massages
Whatsapp's New Features - Fight against fake news | By- Nearly Tech
Image Showing Whatsapp logo on mobile

Whatsapp the world's largest communication company is rolling out with new features to fight against fake news. Fake news which is the largest problem not only in India but through the world is getting its worst of the worst level. It say's that in the online world fake news will be the world's most dangerous enemy. Therefore to stop this not only Whatsapp but also worlds largest product-based technology company like Google, Microsoft, Facebook is doing practices to stop fake news.

Not only these companies are getting losses due to these fake news but also all governments too. So that's why The Indian Government started working with this major companies to stop fake news. And as results say world's major fake news gets spread only on Whatsapp and Facebook. And now to stop fake news on Whatsapp, Whatsapp is bringing a new feature which will show us that whether the message we are getting on Whatsapp is forwarded or not, not only the message about information about forwarded or not but it will show us some more detail on it.
Whatsapp's New Features - Fight against fake news | By- Nearly Tech
Image showing Fake News

Whatsapp also doing some social work in India with The Indian Government in making people aware of this fake news. To stop fake news is becoming the most major problem in today's world. And if the companies like Whatsapp and Facebook and Google come forward to complete destroy fake news from the internet then the day is not so away from where we can see the clean internet. 

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